Windows Modules Installer Service For Xp

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Windows Modules Installer Service For Xp Rating: 8,0/10 1535reviews

I had an issue wherein SP 1.1 for.NET update wasn't downloading correctly. So, I uninstalled the.NET framework and that problem went away. But I noticed some pretty non-stop disk activity every time I started after that. I presumed it was McAfee or something at first. I got curious as to what it could be, so I started shutting down apps and stopping services to see what it might've been that was causing it.

Then suddenly I crashed, and 'My copy of Windows is not genuine' started showing up, and kicking me out. I ran a restore and got back to the desktop, but started seeing that Windows Modules Installer has stopped responding' message. I went into Services and first Started the service, then I set it to Automatic start. Problem went away.

Windows Modules Installer Service Download

Windows XP Home Install Guide; Service Configurations. What service Windows Modules Installer needs to function properly: None (S, HB, HP, P, U, E).

Now- I don't know if the service is supposed to be only manual or not (I'm not an MSCE ) but so far I have reset it a couple of times and the system seems to be functioning normally again. Mebbe it's worth a shot for ya- thought I would at least share this. Hi All I hope following combined procedure works for you.

Verify Windows Update Service Settings *Start>Run>services. Basil Kirchin Worlds Within Worlds Rar there. msc *Find the Automatic Updates service and double-click on it. *Click on the Log On Tab and make sure the 'Local System Account' is selected as the logon account and the box for 'allow service to interact with desktop' is UNCHECKED.

*Under the Hardware Profile section in the Log On Tab, make sure the service is enabled. *On the General Tab, the Startup Type should be Automatic, if not, drop the box down and select Automatic. *Under 'Service Status' on the General tab, the service should be Started, click the Start button enable it. I think the problem may just lie with the updates for Vista itself.

I decided to experiment and manually downloaded all the updates that Vista said I needed, then started installing them all manually too. The first half-dozen went on without any problems, and I thought the maybe it had fixed itself as mysteriously as it had started, but the very next update caused the Windows Installer Module error again! When I checked on the installed updates, all the ones that had gone on properly were all actually to do with Office and when I checked the KB numbers of the remaining ones they were all Vista updates - therefore it seems that the problem just lies with the OS and not the updater program as such. Although I am still no closer to a solution than when I started this.

The only thing that worked for me was to wipe out the whole hard drive and do a clean install. Now I don't let my computer do automatic updating and I check every update first for problems. My problem was caused by one of the updates that was automatically installed, way back in June. I tried just reinstalling my copy of Windows Vista Premium, but the problem became worse because I had no drivers installed now on my computer. So nothing I plugged in worked properly, and of course I couldn't get any windows updates because the F***ing computer kept saying 'Windows Installer Module has stopped working and was closed.' In conclusion I did how ever update my BIOS in the process so at least I did something new to my computer. I had an issue wherein SP 1.1 for.NET update wasn't downloading correctly.