Wii Backup Manager 0.3.5 Beta 1 [llzevd]

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Wii Backup Manager 0.3.5 Beta 1 [llzevd] Rating: 9,5/10 4271reviews
Wii Backup Manager 0.3.5

0.4.5 build 78 -Fixed: The database “convert to internal format” freezes at 0.56% with the latest GameTDB database. A simple typo caused the bug that really should’ve shown up before. -Changed: Update link to WUpload has been removed from the app, replaced with a link to the WBM website. -Added: New features for the export templates that allow creating a multiple column table.

See the ncwbfsstyle template. “Entry step” = how many entries to output between the [Entry header] and [Entry footer]. -Fixed: The database list wasn’t refreshed after changing the settings. Title colours etc. -Fixed: After recent tests trying to get Direct3D working with WIn64, I accidentally got the OpenGL and Direct3D renderers mixed up. -Fixed: Resetting the Original title colour in the settings dialog made it green instead of blue.

That bug must’ve existed from day one. Teletubbies 2 Favorite Games there. Mobtv Mt 100 Driver.

WII Backup Manager Version 0.4. Manual Yamaha Sr 250 Special - Free Software And Shareware. 5 build 78.zip 13.79 MB. Wii Backup Manager 0.3.5 beta 1 [LLZEVD] File Size: 5.27 MB File count: 1. Unlock Your Nintendo Wii To Play.