Super Python For S60v3
Assalamualaikum wr. Wb Apa kabar guyz.? Sesuai judul di atas, kali ini gw mau share sebuah bahasa pemrograman (python) yang tentu saja tidak asing lagi buat teman-teman symbianer semua.
Python ini berguna dalam menjalankan berbagai aplikasi yang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman python, seperti MobilHEX, G-Force, MobilRSC, dan sebagainya Okey.berikut sedikit penjelasan mengenai Super Python v2.20 (di translate sendiri aja ya ): Latest ModulePack (including Python for S60) named Super Python Disk E. This ModulePack can run almost every single program of python. With previous version few programs were not working fully due to module related problems. But now everything is running like a charm. Essential: 1. This sis package can be installed only in E drive, so you need to insert a SD-card before install it.
Univers 47 Condensed Font there. Before install this package remove your older ModulePack, Python For S60 and WF (if have) from App-Manager. If you still get Update Error during installation then you should search all relevant py, pyc, pyd file and remove them manually from C and E drive. TO DOWNLOAD supported devices: s60v3 and s60v5 NOTE: Python ini sudah di test dan berjalan lancar di Nokia 5233 Semoga bermanfaat Akhir kata, Wassalamualaikum wr.
I'm trying to understand super() The reason we use super is so that child classes that may be using cooperative multiple inheritance will call the correct next parent class function in the Method Resolution Order (MRO). In Python 3, we can call it like this: class ChildB(Base): def __init__(self): super().__init__() In Python 2, we are required to use it like this: super(ChildB, self).__init__() Without super, you are limited in your ability to use multiple inheritance: Base.__init__(self) # Avoid this. I further explain below.