Imageshack Offline Installer
Natalie wrote: natalia-ntl wrote: natalie wrote:Yes, please try deleting the previous, and reinstall Scratch.air, OK? First try on your desktop to delete and reinstall, and see if you can get that working. It's possible your notebook isn't compatible with Adobe Air, depending what type of computer and operating system. We hope to have a Chrome app before too long, which may help. Done for desktop - successfully uninstalled, and got the same error message when tried to install again. Scientific Atlanta Modem Drivers. HI, I have been using scratch since at least 2005 with my classroom - elementary - 12th grade. Using the online version is a little erratic in a lab environment - not clear about saving and many files being created.
I have recently switched to linux Trisquel 6.0 in my lab. 50 De Umbre Ale Lui Grey Vol 3 Subtitrat. I was hoping to install the offline editor, but I cannot get Adobe Air installed. I am disappointed by this as well as seeing you are using Adobe Air - will this mean you are abandoning linux as a platform as Adobe has? Here is a fix I found for Air and gnome keyring. Scroll to the bottom. So this seems to have fixed the issue Installed and working. Doug Last edited by moussaka68 (Sept.
Kitab Fiqih 4 Mazhab. 13, 2013 19:44:38). ProdigyZeta7 wrote: First Post! I haven't gotten to downloading the editor yet, mainly due to downloading issues with Adobe AIR. I'll try downloading it again. I am really excited to try it out! Thanks for the update!