Full Game Return To Castle Wolfenstein Cheats

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Full Game Return To Castle Wolfenstein Cheats Rating: 9,7/10 5475reviews

For Return to Castle Wolfenstein on the PC, GameFAQs has 25 cheat codes and secrets. Notetab Light Deutsche.

Return To Castle Wolfenstein Walkthrough Pc

Console commands Edit the shortcut to the game by adding 'set sv_cheats 1' to the end, then press ~ during gameplay to open the console window. Type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding effect. (almost) Complete Weapons & Ammo cheats Use the following codes for these items: /give luger - Gives luger /give colt - Gives Colt.45 /give dual colts - Gives you dual Colts. Must have 1 colt to be active.

Otherwise just /give colt again. Levels, and Level Cheat Map Code: type /spdevmap 'map' for the indicated map. The 'map is where you put in the code. Map Code Mission 1: Ominous Rumors Escape!

To advance directly to the following maps access the cheat console and type '/devmap (map name)' (without the quotes). Windows Server 2012 Foundation Rok Iso. Press the '~' (tilde) key to display the console window and then type one of the following codes (without the quotes) to activate the corresponding effect.

Reset Map: Type '/map restart' Set Maximum Players that can Connect: Type '/sv_maxclients (number)' Set Time Limit: Type '/timelimit (number)' Kick Player from the Server: Type '/kick (player name)' Toggle Friendly Fire: Type '/g_friendlyFire (0 or 1)' Force even Teams: Type '/g_forcebalance' Set Warm Up Time in Seconds Type '/g_warmup (number)' Set Gravity (lower is less gravity): Type '/g_gravity (number)' Set Movement (lower is slower): Type '/g_speed (number)'. Create a copy of your single player desktop shortcut. Right-click on it and select 'properties'.

In the 'Target' field, add the following to the very end (outside the quotes): +set sv_cheats 1 4. Launch the game using that shortcut. Once you're in the game, you should be able to use the following cheat codes (hit the '~' key to bring down the console, then type them in): Cheat Code - Effect /god - God Mode /notarget - Enemies Do Not Attack /noclip - No Clipping /give all - All Weapons and Ammo /give armor - Give Armor /give health - Give Health /give stamina - Give Stamina /give ammo - Give Ammo /nofatigue - Unlimited Stamina /kill - Suicide /cg_uselessnostalgia 1 - Original Wolfenstein Interface /give # - Give Item #. See below: panzerfaust thompson mp42 mauser rifle flamethrower sten fg42 paratroop rifle grenade colt 45 large health medium health Good Luck!